My father likes pets, and ever since I could remember, there
will always be at least one variety from the animal kingdom that will be
residing with us. There was this one particular time when I was around 4 or 5
years old that we had a cat. My father was quite fond of it. It then got
pregnant and soon after there was a litter of blind kittens meowing and stinking
up the house. Once, I was left alone in the house and incidentally, the cat
left her litter, probably to hunt down some rodents which are quite populous in
our humble abode. In my young mind, I didn’t intend to harm the little kitties,
I just wanted to play. I started to pick one up, tried to make it stand and
dance. It was like playing with dolls. I made it walk around the park of Paris,
made it dance on a stage in New York and made fly like one of those circus acts
in Vegas. I was having fun, till my mom found me with a lifeless kitten in my
hand. I could still remember the look that she gave me. It was a mixture of horror and disappointment
with a tinge of pity. Pity for what, that I didn't know, but in retrospect I think
I should have been punished then, because now I feel horrible about what I did.
And nothing could bring back that kitten, and I probably will always think of
myself as a kid with psychopathic tendencies when I was younger because of what
This whole reflection made me think about you, and how you
are breaking my heart now. Were you just like me when I killed that
kitten? Were you foreign to the concept
that you are man-handling my emotions just like how I was with that poor
creature? And will I have to wait at least 2 decades for you to ponder on the
emotional damage you are bestowing upon me now?
I should have left those newborns all by their selves, like
how you should have let me be. Years passed, we grew apart and I how I wish
that we just let things the way they are when we were still awkward around each
other. If only I did just that, then that kitten will still be alive and I won’t
have a broken heart.