Wednesday 9 September 2015

9th of 11: Glimmer


     Arrangements have been made and it looks like I am indeed going to move out of our house. Almost 26 years and I am sure as hell am not prepared for it.To stay at home is enjoy the conveniences of life, however if I do really need to change something, anything I must do something different first. My youngest brother is apathetic about it. He will be moving with me and this is so much about him than about me, while our father is against it, there are other ways he said. I don't want to risk it before it's too late. So yeah, in the last couple of days I was staying at friends' houses and exploiting their kindness. It's overwhelming. 

   I set out to do 3 things today that I surprisingly managed to do. I am getting better with this time management thing. 

   I met up with "the boy" and surprisingly, he got older, so did I. He still bleed the same sadness and came rushing over. I don't know where it will lead but I hope something good will happen here. I am sorta confused actually. Let's see what will happen here. 


  1. ...and? Ayan na naman. Invest si ako, tas ...eng..?


    1. I didn't get to follow through witg this one and things only got more chaotic and then my dad had another attack and then he died. Oh well, life.


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